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3 Lessons To Take From The Full Harvest Moon

full harvest moon

Here are some key takeaways from tonight’s Full Harvest Moon.

If you want to shake off the group think and go your own way, the September 2018 full harvest moon is an ideal time for lone-wolf introverts to get stuff done like the bosses they are. If you’re an extrovert, or you second guess your own decisions on the regular, the full harvest moon in Aries will deliver an unexpected boost of confidence that will allow you to intuitively trust your own choices. “The moon does not lean on others emotionally and is not afraid of working solo,” UK-based Astrologer Marina revealed on her website Darkstar Astrology. “Those touched by this Aries full moon are also not molded by what is popular or what loved ones expect of them. It is a time of inventions, some that are controversial, but others fantastically unique due to not being influenced by the mainstream.”

Hanging bright Sept. 24, just a few days after the autumnal equinox, the full harvest moon ushers in fall and looks to cardinal sign Libra to set the agenda for the next few months with the theme being ch-ch-ch-changes (go ahead and crank up David Bowie to get the full effect). According to Marina, the tarot card for the September 2018 full harvest moon is the Two of Wands, and it’s all about decisions. This means fence sitters are finally going to have to come down on one side or the other if they want to make any progress in the coming year. And, let’s face it, while the fence is a great place to sit and watch the world go by, it’s not a way to live life to its fullest.


“The Two of Wands indicates that you will begin to consider your longer-term goals and aspirations and will plan ahead for what you need to do to achieve these goals. You have already come so far but now you feel it is ready for a change, this time with your long-term future in mind,” Biddy Tarot explained on its website. “You may be considering overseas travel, further education, or a major career change at this point in order to expand your learning and development and to grow your horizons beyond your immediate environment. With careful planning and a moderated approach, you will set yourself up for success in the future.” If you’re looking to harness the energy of the September 2018 full harvest moon to live your best life this fall, here’s what you need to know.

1. Free Your Mind


If fear and anxiety have been holding you back from doing something, it’s time to stop letting that little voice in your head tell you what to do and just jump off the proverbial cliff already. Because, guess what? As “My Favorite Murder” co-host Karen Kilgariff says, “Anxiety is a liar.” While that little voice in your head is trying its best to keep you safe, it’s often wrong. Astrologer Jamie Partridge of Astrology King explained on his website that the September 2018 full moon is basically setting up a scenario to help you overcome these fears, and while it might not be easy, it will be worth it.

“The full moon is on a Saturn-like star associated with inhibition and restraint. The full moon square Saturn has a restricting and depressing influence on your feelings and relationships,” Partridge revealed. However my friendlies, there’s always a silver lining. “Positive energy from Mars and Uranus give the courage and opportunities to overcome the obstacles in your life and your fears. Whether it be a fear of loneliness, intimacy, change, or success, full moon September 2018 will help you overcome your fears and inhibitions.”

2. Trust Your Gut


Who among us hasn’t stayed in a situation longer than necessary because we’re afraid of change? This is human nature, but at some point you either grow and change or shrivel up and die (metaphorically, of course). During the September 2018 full moon in Aries it’s important to trust your intuition to guide you toward the right decisions. You’re 100 percent going to have to make a decision about something, and chances are that in your heart of hearts you’ve known the answer for quite some time. Don’t commit to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it — you can change the narrative whenever you want.

Saturn in Capricorn is creating tension with the full moon as it is at the 90-degree angle to the full moon,” Astrologer Donna Page explained on her website Loving Light Astrologer. “This is a stress aspect that pushes us to evaluate with a serious look to know whether or not the relationships in our life support the essential part of who we are or if there is a pull that takes us off the path that is leading to our highest good.”

So, if you’ve been in a toxic dark and twisty spiral, now is the time to make your way out of the tunnel. Because, like anxiety, tunnels are a trick. They’re dark and cold in the middle, but there is warm light on both sides. It’s also important to remember that change can look like complete destruction, and that’s OK. Sometimes you have to tear down an old house in order to build a new one.

3. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable


OK, I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t handle uncertainty well. I hate surprises, and when it comes to my life I like to read the last page of the book first. Clearly, this isn’t a good system because life doesn’t work that way, and this train of thought just leaves me hella frustrated. If you live long enough, you’ll eventually realize that you’re going to live a lot of different versions of your life, which is why it’s important to get comfortable with not having all the answers. In its simplest form, life is just one long game of Clue.

The September 2018 full moon in Aries coupled with Pluto being retrograde until Sept. 30 means that you might get some information that doesn’t make sense. File it away for later because you’re gonna need all the pieces of the puzzle before you get a clear picture. “A full moon in Aries is decidedly personal, so you'll be keenly aware of what you need to let go of in order to achieve your personal ambitions,” noted. “When Pluto turns direct, you'll feel the undercurrents of hidden motivations come to the surface. Although you might not know exactly why you're feeling this yet, in October it will become [more clear].”

Overall, the outcome of September 2018 full harvest moon largely depends on how open you are to receiving the moon’s cosmic messages and acting on its wisdom. And, just to be clear, the wisdom of the moon is information that you already have stored in your brain and body. The full harvest moon is just here to give you a little nudge in the right direction so you can live your best life. If you’re not ready to trust your intuition, there’s plenty of room at the school of hard knocks where I am a frequent student. Hey, it takes some of us longer than others to get the message, and that’s OK.